Hi guys! Recently I had a chance to spend long weekend in the mountains in Austria. It was wonderful and here is what I took with me returning to the city.
1. Nature is beautiful. Yes, it might sound trivial, but we are all big city kids with it’s all pluses and minuses, and sometimes can really forget how much beauty there is around.Especially in the mountains. It’s majesty, pride and beauty is incomparable. Every time you see them it takes your breath away. And it’s fantastic!
2. Running away from the city sometimes is absolutely necessary. Even if your weekend will contain mostly wearing unbelievably painful snowboard boots (I know that ski boots are not better though) and partying nights away with your colleagues, it still will bring you so much joy! Well at least you will feel it for sure, after returning back home.
3. Begin from small. Because small things are the one that make big things happen. Even if it means going snowboarding with your colleagues, when you’ve only snowboarded once in your life 2 years ago. Whatever. Just try. Do it. And don’t be afraid to fall, you will raise again and this will certainly make you feel happy.And that’s exactly what I felt after 1,5 days of severe practice –satisfaction over unbelievable tiredness.
4. Be thankful. For everything that is around. It’s simple yet sometimes can be difficult. But learn from the mountains, whenever they are covered with snow and might see storms and thunders, then sun comes out and they stun everyone with the beauty of nature. Just like people – there’re so much beauty inside of us. So let’s discover it alongside the world around.
Love, Anny