

TODAY IS A BIG DAY! MY BABY UMA TURNS 1! Can you believe it? I know you can, but I can't :)

It's been THE fastest year in my life. SO many changes happened, that no words can really describe the variety of feelings when I think of it. Amazing, life-changing, challenging, scary, funny, tough, sleepless, tender, happy, painful, awesome - all at once. This is motherhood and every woman experiences it in her own way.

I'm beyond grateful that I became a mom. A mom of you, my Uma. Thank you that you've chosen me. No really. I mean it. I already see that you teach me so many things and you let me discover myself from within. Never in my life have I been so content and sure about the future. It's like you brought clarity, happy chaos and confidence into everything I do. Like everything has a sense, a purpose now.

I'll do my best to bring you up as the happiest, kindest, most intelligent and caring person. I'll do mistakes on my way for sure, all moms do...but what I'll never let you down with is my endless support and love.

Oh man...1 year! How awesome is that?HAPPY BIRTHDAY my little cinnamon bun! LOVE 4ever


Photography: Konstantyn Zakhariy - www.konstantynzakhariy.com