
 annaporter-vintage-finds-vinokilo-quilted-jacket (6)annaporter-vintage-finds-vinokilo-quilted-jacket (1)annaporter-vintag-finds-vinokilo (1)annaporter-vintage-finds-vinokilo-quilted-jacket (5) (1)annaporter-vintage-finds-vinokilo-quilted-jacket (2)annaporter-vintage-finds-vinokilo-quilted-jacket (3)annaporter-vintage-finds-vinokilo-quilted-jacket (4)WEARING: VINOKILO Jacket (similar vintage parka) and sweater (similar here), MANGO Trousers, VAGABOND Sock boots Do you shop vintage clothes? I do and here is why I love it:

  • it's fun to look through bunch of clothes for something special
  • I can be sure that the piece I've found is unique, unlike mass market clothes I won't see it on anyone else
  • I love to see the history though clothes. It's cool to realize that the piece of clothing you wear now has a history. I'm always wondering whom did it belong before.
  • vintage finds - there's always a chance to find something really unique, unusual and cool.

Vinokilo is a great online vintage shop. I discovered it this summer when I had a collaboration with them, posting this mustard bomber jacket. They have pretty cool selection of vintage clothing and vintage Burberry, which I was so hoping to find at the recent flea market, however it was gone by the time I arrived. I have to say vintage flea markets are pretty popular here in Berlin.But instead I found this amazing old school quilted jacket (and I love quilted forever) plus 100% wool sweater in perfect condition in even more perfect eggplant colour.I love wearing deep colours and  this combination of burgundy, brown, purple and black turned out super cool.STYLING TIP. Also as it's pretty cold now, I decided to wear light down jacket from Benetton underneath to make sure I won't freeze out and I didn't. Cause right layering always work guys!