



My dearest baby girl,

today was such a fantastic day that I decided to write a letter to you in order to memorise these moments forever.I'm writing this letter now with incredible gratitude and appreciation for my life, my family and my work.

When you grow up and when start to search yourself, I want you to be fearless to try new things in life. I want you to be open to opportunities and be grateful for mistakes.You see, I never ever though that I would be finding myself happy and content in fashion, in blogging and creating content. I've always been so far from fashion, but one day I just decided to do what I've never done before and now when I'm having my creative platform for inspiration and style, I can't even imagine myself doing something different.

And even though my blog is so far away of being what I dream of it to be, I'm incredibly happy with what I'm doing and what it has already brought  and taught me. Please always remember that all the fears you might have in the beginning are so much worth of overcoming. Because the satisfaction of achieving your goals and making your dreams come true will exceed your expectations, believe me.

Today was such an awesome say. You didn't go to kindergarten, instead we went to see our daddy for lunch and shoot new look for my blog. You looked at me while I was posing with such an attention and admiration, I melted. And then you also wanted to be in front of the camera with me and this is how these adorable pictures appeared.

From the bottom of my heart I believe that now I'm setting up an example for you of a woman who CAN DO IT! Who can take care of the family, bring up children and run her own business, even small, even not that financially successful yet. All this will come, I'm sure. You know why, Uma? Because I believe in my work, I work hard and because I share love and light wherever I go.

If you are in doubt when starting up something new in your life, may this letter will remind you of me. Of your mom, who was just a simple Ukrainian girl (and still is), who was dreaming of living more than her home city had to offer, who took risks, moved abroad, changed 3 countries and 5 cities, who wasn't afraid to pursue her dreams.

My dearest girl! Never be afraid of leaving your comfort zone to find yourself. Because when you will, you will be the happiest. Just like I am on this day while writing this post.SHARE THE LOVE UMA! Just share the love wherever you go.

With endless love & support,your mom <3